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Our Solution

Access a single site to view your custom dashboard which will house all of your critical information, such as P/L by zone, grain marketing and machine information.

What is AgForesight?

AgForesight is a total information solution for the farm operation, tailored to individual growers needs and supported by your dealer. AgForesight will provide you a real-time management system that streamlines and combines all of your data sources into one place and delivers it in an actionable form. With easy to use functionality, this will become your central place for all your information to help you professionally manage your business.


How is AgForesight Different?

Furthermore, AgForesight will make it easy to collect additional data where necessary to augment what already exists and verify accuracy. Our technology will provide you a panoramic view in all aspects of your business. You will access a single site to view your dashboard which will house all of your critical information necessary to manage and grow your business, such as real time P/L by zone, grain marketing and machine information.  


Beyond the existing data, growers have the ability to take advantage of other technologies that turn data into actionable information. We will continue to listen to your struggles and create solutions that fulfill your needs. For example, we became aware that growers have a hard time keeping track of purchase receipts, they are often lost in the bed of a pickup or crumbled in a crevice. Using our technology, we can create the ability for any employee to take a picture of their purchase receipt and immediately enter it into the accounting side through a service provided by us. The data is automatically integrated and immediately useable with other data. Every tool we create will function seamlessly with our main application. 


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